Gospel Perversion

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Galatians 1:6–7 (NASB 95)

6 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

Examine / Explain

Paul was in great wonder that those in the church of Galatia were so hastily preparing their minds to walk back from grace and the gospel of Jesus. All because others were preaching something different than what they had already heard. Judaizers were agitating believers to reconsider grace and falling back to legalism. They were preventing the Gospel.

What’s the application?

First, I think about the Exodus out of Egypt and how quickly the people turned to idols when God had just performed a miracle. The Red Sea was parted and they escaped across dry sea bed. To only build a golden calf for worship. Next, I wonder how many Jews were converted to Christianity in Galatia. My thought is they were running back to old ways of life through the pressure of current Jews. They could have been challenging the Jewish Christian’s beliefs as they have centuries of tradition and law. They didn’t have Bibles, it was oral knowledge. Jews were built on oral tradition and knowledge so for someone from the old life to challenge a new believer might have been easy. The big question for me is where have I turned away from grace? Where have I let the old life speak into my new life in Christ? What is perverting the truth of the Gospel in my life? I do have the luxury of having a Bible. Do I study it enough? I have the luxury of knowing there are two thousand years of history of the Holy Spirit working in believer’s lives. Do I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life? Am I allowing my accountability to hold me accountable? Are there areas of my life that I justify with legalism so I can do them? What’s getting in the way of my relationship with Jesus? How am I spending time with my heavenly Dad? How am I feeding my soul?

What’s my response?

Dad, point out the perversion in my life. We are going to lie to ourselves first and foremost. We will make justifications in our minds to allow our actions. Help me not be blinded to things that keep me from You. You are a constant and I am the variable. You are steadfast and I am volatile. You are just and I am unjust. Surround me with OG Fight Club-type men who can challenge me to be the best version of myself. I know I am at my worst when I don’t have these men in my life. Help me stick to the boundaries that I have set for my life. Bring up to where I should be. You have given me a burning down in my soul to help others with the things I have gone through. Help me get where I need to be to help them. Place me in the right places, at the right times, so I am effective in You and advance Your Kingdom and not my own. Amen.






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