Ephesians 3:20–21 (NASB 95)
20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
Examine / Explain
At this very moment, God, who can do exceedingly abundantly above all that man can ask for, is living inside man with explosive energy. That power can be displayed through the church, and Jesus rose on the third day to all men for all generations so that God could receive the Glory forever and ever. Truly, I say to you.
What’s the application?
Do I believe God’s Holy Spirit is living inside of me, and there is an explosive power trying to work and move me to display God’s glory? Or do I still see God as this far-off man who is all-powerful and all-knowing, but He doesn’t have any power in my life? Can He truly get me through my workday with my mind intact? Is there power living within me to take every thought captive? Do I have the power to take every escape from sin provided for me? Or am I just a weak man who struggles with sin? What can this power do inside me? What do I allow? I believe that any power contained and not demonstrated is because I don’t allow it. That gives my flesh much strength to contain the Holy Spirit, but we stifle it if we aren’t willing to submit to the power. What is keeping me from fully displaying my faith in the all-powerful God of the universe? What do I believe to be true? I know the truth. It’s written down for me in the bible. But do my actions tell the world that I believe it? Better yet, do my actions tell my family that I believe God is who He says He is through His word? What conversations are we having? What am I speaking into their lives? Life? Death? Apathy? Is the wisdom of my past sins flowing out of my mouth through the filter of Jesus? Do I believe God is working in and through me? Sure. Do I put a cap on how much He uses me? I believe so. I am like everyone else and know “I could be doing better at…” but nothing changes. What truth needs to travel eighteen inches? My head and heart could be out of alignment. Heart check. What do I believe? Does it align with God’s will and word? If not, I need to change and renew my mind. How? How do I renew my mind? Or is that a belief thing, too? Do I have to believe and allow Jesus to change my mind through the power of the Holy Spirit? Do I have more questions now than when I started?
What’s my response?
Dad, I need help in my unbelief. There are things I know about You, but that is all they are knowledge. My faith is weak. My belief in what You can do for me, in me, and through me is weak. I pray for things, and if I don’t see movement for my prayer, I start to question. I know Your timing is perfect. I know Your will is perfect. And it’s not like I sitting here on pins and needles. I can wait on You, but it’s not as good as You can wait on me. You can wait for my heart to catch up to what You’re doing. Maybe that’s it. I can’t wait for my heart to catch up to You. I want to change now. I don’t want to do the hard things that You tell us we can and must do. I what easy. Explosive power moving, though, cannot be easy. Sometimes it’s violent. It’s messy. It impacts those closest to us and can be seen from far away. Help me move. Help me surrender to the power that is already living inside me. Amen.