Cheap imitation?

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Ephesians 5:1–2 (NASB 95)

1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

Examine / Explain

In being a believer and new creation we are not to harbor malice and bitterness but we are to imitate our Heavenly Father. Just as a child will imitate their parents because it is what they see, we too are to imitate our Heavenly Father by what we have seen and heard. Where have we seen this example except in the example of Christ? We to walk in love and living sacrifice that is a sweet-savoring aroma to our Father.

What’s the application?

How am I walking through this world? Am I walking in love and as a living sacrifice? Do I seek and test the will of God in my life or focus on what is “outside my kingdom?” Do I get bitter because I don’t have things that others have? Do I get stuck in the comparison trap of not having the bigger house? Or that I drive a van instead of the truck that I would want. I have so many blessings in life, but if all I can do is worry about someone else how am I utilizing these blessings?  I have been provided with a home, income, cars, and children. Not only this but I have been given gifts of discernment, teaching, and shepherding. In my imitation of God by living out a life that resembles Jesus, what am I doing with all these blessings? Do I share them with others or keep them all to myself? I would like to think that I share all of them, but if I took a closer look I’m sure my selfishness and pride would rise to the top and show that I still have my fleshly agenda. I can still be blind in my service to God. So how do I counter that? How can any of us be examples of Christ by knowing who he is? How are we studying to be Christ-like? How are we being challenged in our actions? Do we have the Godly community sounding us that can see and smell our aroma? Do we allow them to call out our failures and blindness to sins we commit? We have been built for the community because God is a perfect community. We are image bearers of God. We can see and follow our heavenly father by reading His word and placing ourselves in front of the “mirrors” that are our community. Our walk needs to be inspected. It should be self-examined, community-tested, and biblically confirmed. There is a measuring stick that we need to be compared to. Unfortunately, too often we lie to ourselves and move the stick so we can measure up.  We have to stop and ask ourselves are we being imitators of God or not?

What’s my response?

Dad, I have failed You so many times. In my human brain, I have a hard time accepting that You continually take me back time after time of failing You. I feel so much of my life doesn’t imitate You. I know I need to examine my motives and actions to see how they align with You, but can we as Your people also be too hard on ourselves? We strive for the perfection that is Jesus and we will never make it until we are made complete. Never to give us free passes and abuse grace but trying to look at life through the lens of the bible and realism. We are sinners redeemed by grace and we are broken human beings. We receive the power to truly imitate You and we have the capacity to do evil even as a believer. You have given us free will. You want us to choose You every single time. But even when we don’t, You are still right there with us. Taking us back. Amazing! Help me walk as a beloved child. Help we walk in love and that includes loving my enemies. Let my life be a fragrant pleasing aroma to You. Amen.






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