Ephesians 2:14–16 (NASB 95)
14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, 16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.
Examine / Explain
Jesus, the embodiment of peace, has a transformative role in humanity. His mission was to restore the fallen humanity, both Jews and Gentiles, to a state of peace. He unifies us as a new creation and invites Us to gather under the cross, the place where hostility is eradicated and true peace is experienced.
How do I apply this to my life?
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. His peace is what He gives us. His peace is the only way to love our enemies and neighbors. His peace is the only thing that quiets the soul. In a time when rage and demands of what to think or do control the world, I can sit still at peace. At a time when I feel the crushing weight of expectations and where I’m supposed to head, I stop and ask where the peace is in this. I can choose not to follow the demands of the chaos around me. It’s incredible how much the word “peace” has been showing up in my life lately. So is it that I don’t have enough peace or that I don’t live it out? Is there such a thing as varying degrees of peace? Or is it an “I have peace” or “I don’t have peace” kind of thing? Is it possible to have peace in only certain areas of my life? Does that mean that I have not surrendered those areas to Jesus? What are the demands of my day? What is causing dysregulation in my life? What do I do with it? Avoid it? Walk through it with confidence? I walk through any situation with the appearance of confidence even though it is just that I have peace about the situation. What do I do when I don’t have peace in a situation? Is that an opportunity to call out to God, or does it mean I have my answer and need to move on? How can I find the unrest and dysfunction of peace while looking at peace? Do I really understand what it means to live in peace? Can I really love my enemy? Do I even love my neighbor well? What does my submission to Jesus and taking up my cross daily look like? How much pride is still getting in the way? Where is the peace in following Jesus?
What is my response?
Father, I want to live in peace and be at peace with everything. I want to have a regulated nervous system at all times. I want to handle the hard things with a complete understanding of my place in Christ so that I can be an example of Him to those around me. Fear, anxiety, and uncertainty can plague me. Can I still move even when gripped by these things? Yes. Doing the hard things doesn’t always mean operating without fear. It can mean being afraid and doing it anyway. I want to operate with less fear, which means I would trust You more. Is that what it boils down to? I still have trust issues with You? Help me with that. Help me live out the peace that was given to me. Help me love others as You love me. Amen.
One response to “Dysregulated Peace”
Hitting close to home. Good stuff