Ephesians 1:17–18 (NASB 95)
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
Examine / Explain
Paul is continuing his pray for the believers at Ephesus. I believe Paul is trying to get the believers to acknowledge God’s sovereignty and that He is the giver of everything. He is the one who provides the spirit of wisdom and not of fear. And in receiving that spirit we may be able to grow in the knowledge of our creator. Through that knowledge, we gain understanding by allowing our innermost being to be transformed into elevated thinking to see the assurance of where we are called to be. The riches of His inheritance are not anything physical but relational and spiritual.
How can I apply this in my life?
How can I live in a way that reflects the wisdom and revelation I have received from God? These are the questions I need to ask myself as I consider the implications of this biblical passage.
How do I spend my inheritance? I think about the prodigal son taking everything the father had and squandering it in the world. Only to return to the father. What have I been given? What calling am I squandering because all I can think about is the world and getting what I need? I know I have received wisdom from God. He has gifted me with abilities to discern and see things for what they are and the truth of where they are headed. However, I only use those gifts toward other people. I can lie to myself and through discernment out the window when it involves the things that elevate me as the king of my kingdom. Wasteful! What good does it do to gain all knowledge and to do nothing with it? What if I gained all knowledge about God and sat at this desk marveling at His greatness? It would be me squandering again. I must put what I have gained into action.
“The believer must grow in his knowledge of God. To know God personally is salvation (John 17:3). To know Him increasingly is sanctification (Phil. 3:10). To know Him perfectly is glorification (1 Cor. 13:9–12). Since we are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26–28), the better we know God, the better we know ourselves and each other. It is not enough to know God only as Saviour. We must get to know Him as Father, Friend, Guide, and the better we know Him, the more satisfying our spiritual lives will be.”
Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996), 15.
Where am I in my journey of life? Am I in the boat crossing the sea, as the disciples did, holding on for dear life? Or am I sleeping through the storm because I know God is with me? Am I on the spectrum in between? Uncomfortable from the raging sea, with peace that passes all understanding because I am and will be with my savior regardless of the storm. I want to be there! My flesh continues to get in the way. How do I sacrifice my flesh? How do I lay everything down at the feet of Jesus and say, “Here am I, send me!” I must kill the flesh! I must sacrifice it daily! I MUST STOP TRYING TO BE A BETTER MAN! BETTER IS SETTLING FOR LESS THAN GOD! We are mighty men of valor! We surrender to the enemy instead of the King! We fall and obey the wrong master!
What is my response?
Father, I must take the knife and sacrifice my flesh every day. I must focus on You and not my flesh. I have to change my perspective and quit looking at life from the eyes in my head to the eyes of my heart. I must quit settling for less than God. I must do it daily! I must live up to my calling in Christ! I must lay down the things that keep me from You! Please help me! I can’t do it alone! Human willpower is nothing without the Holy Spirit intervening. I pray that I listen and obey. Amen