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Galatians 1:8–9 (NASB 95)

8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!

Examine / Explain

Paul is telling his converts in Galatia to look out for false teachers. These are men, angels, or even themselves if they evangelize with something other than what they have already preached. These false teachers should be given up to destruction. Paul repeats himself to emphasize his words. False preachings are to be given up to destruction.

What’s the application?

The power of a false teacher is someone listening to the message. In listening, there is an opportunity to believe what is not true. Paul does not tell us to attack the false teachers only that they should be given up. Abandoned. A false teacher is not of God so it must be of the enemy. Even today we can have the enemy in our ears twisting and presenting partial truths. A partial truth is still a whole lie. We may think that we are listening to only good preachers. They present the Gospel well from the stage. Paul says even if I myself come back to you preaching something different than the good news that has brought you grace and freedom, I should be accursed. If Paul could go back to the Galatia and preach a different gospel, his mind could have been swayed. Not really. But for us to change our mind we can listen to ourselves. We could be hearing the enemy in our ear and we convince ourselves it is truth. Satan can come as an angel of light. Share what appears good but it sends us down a dark road. What have I deceived myself about? What partial truths have I adopted as Gospel? Am I comparing what I am hearing to the Word? Again, I have the luxury of having God’s word printed and in my hand or on my computer screen. Where am I lying to myself? What Gospel is coming out of me? Is it the whole Gospel?

What’s my response?

Dad, I want to be complete in You! There should not be partiality within me. I am to be completely devoted to my King and Savior. I cannot be part owner of my mind, soul, and body. It is to be fully Yours. I am to lay as a living sacrifice on the altar. Pride, fear, and selfishness get in the way. The speed of life keeps me from slowing down and thinking and comparing my actions to Christ. Help me to walk through this life instead of running. What am I missing out on I believe I have to do life fast. Jesus walked everywhere. He stopped for everyone who needed Him. He gave freely His time, talent, and treasure. How am I doing? Can I get out of my own way to serve You with complete abandonment? Can I retrain my mind, body, and soul to align with Your will and purpose for my life? Can I surrender? Can I trust? Or will I continue to live in fear? Even though You did not give us a spirit of fear, that is where we continue to live. I want to move out! I want to leave fear behind. I want to operate in complete faith and confidence in You. Help me get there. Amen.






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