Galatians 1:13–14 (CJB)
13 For you have heard about my former way of life in [traditional] Judaism—how I did my best to persecute God’s Messianic Community and destroy it; 14 and how, since I was more of a zealot for the traditions handed down by my forefathers than most Jews my age, I advanced in [traditional] Judaism more rapidly than they did.
Examine / Explain
Paul was a Jew among Jews. He saw Jesus as a threat to the traditions of his religion and was an abomination to God. He actively pursued and attacked those who believed in Jesus. He knew that he was right and that all of these followers of Jesus were wrong. The heresy must be wiped out.
What’s the application?
What do I think I know? Not that I would physically assault someone but where have I attacked someone because I knew better? Emotional pain and physical pain affect the same part of the brain, so I may not have broken someone’s arm but I may have caused just as much pain. Do I hold tension for those around me that I disagree with? Or do I write them off because they don’t think like I do? It’s election season, do I see those on the other side of my political views as image bearers of the Most High God and they need salvation just as much as I do or are they inferior in their thoughts and just need to shut up? Can I love them and disagree with them? How about the extremist on my own political side? They too need Jesus. I would venture to say that on both sides are people who claim to be Christians but don’t actually know what they are doing. How do I love them? Again, holding tension. The enemy is allowed the rule of this world right now and there are high stakes for positions of power. But no matter who is elected they are not my savior. And God raises up and puts down kings. Would the office of president be any different? If the party that I don’t claim to be a part of wins the office, what does that say about us as a people? Will we draw near to God and repent? If “my” party wins, does that say something different about us? Will we draw near to God and repent? We need a revival. We need another great awakening.
What’s my response?
Dad, am I loving? This journal went to a weird place of politics and You are still God. Maybe someone needed a reminder that regardless of political outcomes, YOU ARE GOD! You are the first and last word on everything. Everything was created by You and for You. There is a day coming when politics won’t matter but only the souls of men will. How did I love? Will I get to hear, “Well, done!” Will I have completed my assignment? Did finish my calling? Did I reach those within my sphere of influence to at least consider the Gospel of Jesus? Am I operating my life in the new way of thinking and stop operating out of what I think I know? Stay curious. Hold tension. Love others. Surrender. Die. We need more dead men walking than good men running. Help me be one of them. Amen.