Negotiated Non-negotiables

1 Samuel 16:1 (NASB95)

1 Now the LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have selected a king for Myself among his sons.”

Examine / Explain

Saul had turned away from truly following God and only partially obeyed His commands. Previous verses say that God regrets that he chose Saul to be king. Because partial obedience is still disobedience God had enough was going to replace Saul. David has been chosen to replace Saul, who later would be called a “man after God’s own heart.” David was to be a re-leader. He was handed control and dominion of something he didn’t build.

What’s the application?

How many times have I been placed in a leadership position for things I have not built? How have I handled it? Where is God calling us to re-fill a spot? A group leader in our religious circles? A supervisor or manager at our work? What about our own families? Blended families are at large. As men step into a “stepdad” role we have the opportunity to re-lead. I know I have to navigate life differently than a man who has managed to stay married to their first spouse and is living with their children. Not that I believe God had rejected and replaced fathers in families. But God turns beauty from ashes. In my role and position as “stepdad,” I am still required to be the spiritual leader for my children as well as my bonus children. I am to lead my spouse by pointing her to Jesus by dying to myself. In dying to myself I am to live in complete abandonment to Christ. In 1 Samuel 15:22 Samuel tells Saul that it is better to obey than sacrifice which means that I am to listen to and obey God when He speaks instead of having to come back and ask for forgiveness. My mind goes to an American idiom of asking for forgiveness, which is better or easier than asking for permission. I feel this is a contradiction to God’s word. This allows us to justify our actions regardless of the outcome. I’m not sure this is what Saul was thinking when he disobeyed God but seems to fit the situation. We negotiate with ourselves to justify our actions and ask for forgiveness later.

What’s my response?

Dad, I have negotiated non-negotiables in my life. There was a time when I was adamant about the non-negotiable in my life. First is the support of men as a community in my life. I need the OG Fight Club style and support of men in my life. I’ve lost it. The game was changed and was called into a re-leadership role. I have had the opportunity to lead others and haven’t been able to replicate what was. Is it me? Is it the environment? God, I don’t understand. How have I moved from steadfast “this is a requirement in my life” to I can’t find what I’m looking for so “I’m going to do my best without it?” Life is a slow fade to places we don’t want to be. Bring me back to where I was before. Place the right people around me to get me there. I need Your help, Lord. Amen.






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