Ephesians 6:21–24 (CJB)
21 Now, so that you may also be informed about how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus, the dear brother and a faithful worker for the Lord, will tell you everything. 22 This is the very reason I have sent him to you, so that you may know how we are getting along and so that he may comfort and encourage you.
23 Shalom to the brothers. May God the Father and the Lord Yeshua the Messiah give you love and trust. 24 Grace be to all who love our Lord Yeshua the Messiah with undying love.
Examine / Explain
Paul was not alone in his ministry. Even though he may have been in prison he had other believers alongside him. Tychicus is referred to as a “beloved brother” by Paul and he was given the task of bringing Paul’s message to the Ephesians. A message that included a blessing of peace and love.
What’s the application?
I am not alone and God has placed me in a particular ministry. I am to invest in one, have my three, be a part of twelve, and reach the seventy-two. My three are my dear brothers. What do those relationships look like? Are they intimately involved in my daily life? Are they only privy to certain parts of my life? Do they know the deepest darkest secrets about me? Vulnerability is a superpower. Living in the uncomfortable is a strength and weapon against the enemy. Humility is beneficial to our walk with the Lord. Our pride as men is probably our biggest weakness. It keeps us isolated and ineffective. It can keep us on the sidelines and broken. Confessing our faults, failures, and sins breaks the walls of pride. My current journey and emphasis of the ministry God has me in is focused on masculinity and manhood. I want to say “What do I know about manhood?” I am not what I would call a man’s man. But maybe that’s the point. Can I get my pride out of the way to lead other men in what Christ has called us to be? Am I willing to do the hard things we are called to do as men? Can I be a mouthpiece to men to encourage them to bear the responsibility that men bear as being called out as Godly men? Can I do it with one, three, twelve, and seventy-two? Can I be the abrasive mirror in another man’s life on a consistent intentional basis? Can I speak the truth in love? Can I receive the truth in love from other men? Maybe that is the harder question. I can dish out what my decrement sees all day, can I handle it when it is given back to me? Can I expose the weakest points in my armor to those closest to me? Do I trust them? How can I trust them but not God? Do I trust anyone?
What’s my response?
Dad, why do I have trust issues? What in my past makes me believe that I am the only one who can take care of me? Is it that I just want to be in control? Is it pride? I do trust my three. But on a deeper level I have a feeling there is some doubt. There has to be because there is no way I can blindly trust them and not You. There has to be doubt somewhere in there. Lord, can you draw it out of me? Would You drag it to the surface so we can deal with it? I want to grieve whatever it is so I can leave it. I want to live completely abandoned to You! There is something holding me back. There is something I can’t see. If I can’t see it or don’t know what it is I can’t deal with it. I want to be a godly man and face it even if it is uncomfortable. This is where I need to set up shop. In the uncomfortable places. Amen.