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Ephesians 5:22–24 (NASB 95)

22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.

Examine / Explain

Paul has transitioned from us being like Christ in the world to being Christ-like in our marriages. God often uses marriage as a reference to our relationship with Him and here is no exception. As believers, we are the bride of Christ. We are subject to the head which is Christ. Not for husbands to reign with an iron fist but as co-heirs. Husbands bear the burden of being the head and leading his wife.

What’s the application?

How is my wife subject to me? And how am I subject to Christ? How am I leading my spouse? How am I being Christ to her? How is she being Christ to me? I know most translations say that when God created Eve, He took a rib from Adam and formed her. A better translation is God took the side of Adam. He pull directed from Adam’s “frame.” The inner support of the man and fashioned a woman. When we marry we are to leave our mothers and fathers and cleave to our spouse. We become one flesh. A reuniting of the frame’s together to be one person. When we follow Christ we are to leave our old self and cleave to the new self. We become one with Christ. Indwelt by the Holy Spirit. We are guided and supported by Christ through the Holy Spirit. We are never alone. We are yoked up with Christ just like we are yoked up with our spouse. We move as one. So where am leading my spouse down unsafe paths? Where am I neglecting her? When is she not reaching out to me because I’ve let her down? We do that to Christ all the time. We’ve been hurt, abused, and neglected so we abandon our lead. We have unmet expectations and dreams that never come true and become apathetic to Christ. We don’t leave the “marriage” but we exist in it. We are fumbling through life not fully leaning into our support.

What’s my response?

Dad, I pray that I lead my spouse in a way that honors You. I know the next set of passages talks more about me as a husband, but this is my perspective as being a husband. I wouldn’t want Angi to neglect our relationship, but how many times have I done that to You? I don’t turn to You or I don’t speak to You. Our marriage would be terrible. Our relationship would be in empty. So why do I struggle to communicate with You? Put Your finger on the areas of my life that hinder my relationship with You and our communication. Amen.



