Ephesians 5:15–18 (NASB 95)
15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, 16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil. 17 So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,
Examine / Explain
Paul just told us to wake up and is now instructing us to be careful while we walk around while awake. We are to be wise and not waste opportunities. We are not to be foolish but we can understand the will of God. We are not to waste who we are but be complete in Christ through the Holy Spirit.
What’s the application?
Where does my foolishness overcome my sensibility? Are we tossed back and forth by the winds of the times? Is my footing placed on solid ground? Do I appear to be a drunkard wandering about trying to fulfill a purpose I don’t try to understand? The passage states that we can understand God’s will for our lives. Do we attempt to do that? Do we attempt to plan our path of servanthood? I know God has the prerogative to change our plans but are we at least going somewhere? I believe I took my hands off the wheel of my ship called Life. I was drifting for a bit and being driven by the wind of discontentment. I was steering my ship with a blindfold on and trying to peek occasionally by lifting it. The whole time I believed I was in the “right”. Was I? Was I trying to understand God’s will for me at the moment? I was reading and doing journals but where was my focus? I know I have the podcast that can minister but was that my only assignment? Did I need that time out to gain perspective? Did I waste my time? I think I made the most of some of the time but not all of it. I think that is my real issue. I can zoom out and see the whole picture then I zoom in 1000% and can only fixate on my part that isn’t working. When there are a thousand levels at work around me. That seems like foolishness. Yes, I can only impact those in my sphere of influence. But am I being mindful of the time I have with them or am I wasting it? The days are evil and I can be pretty foolish. I can lose sight of Kingdom and the work I am supposed to be doing. I can get so easily distracted but Life. The Greek for “making the most of” is exagorazo, which means redeemed. Redeem the time we have left on the earth because the days are evil. It’s going to take surrender to the Holy Spirit. Are we staggering or do we walk with purpose and intention? Do we walk in redemption?
What’s my response?
Dad, It appears that I have been stumbling through life for some time. I want to change my stride. I want to walk in redemptive purpose while on my assignment. Part of my assignment is changing. Some young men need to understand what Your love looks like. My navigation map has pointed to them as my next charted course. I am asking for Your guidance in teaching them. Let them see what You can do through a man like me. Let them see grace, redemption, salvation, and sanctification because those things were given to me. I want to be wise and not foolish in this pursuit of You. I want to be filled with Your Spirit and let the overflow of my heart pour out of my mouth. Be with me as I pursue understanding and knowing of You. Let me take some with me through that pursuit. Amen.