Ephesians 6:17–18 (CJB)
17 And take the helmet of deliverance; along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; 18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.
Examine / Explain
We have been getting equipped for a battle—truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, and now salvation as well as the Word of God. Now that we have all the equipment where do we fight the battle? In our minds. In our hope of salvation. What does the battle look like? Me, on my knees praying and through my day talking with God and lifting up my brothers and sisters in the war. I am to be diligent and persistent in my prayer life.
What’s the application?
How do I improve my prayer life? Does my lack of prayer and communication with God reflect my distrust in Him or my commitment level in my belief in God? Both? What if I were to rank these six areas on a scale of zero to ten what would they be? One might think they should all be at 100%, right? But wouldn’t that be the completion of manhood? I know the truth, I have been given His righteousness, my readiness lacks, my faith wanes, my salvation is secure, and I can quote very little scripture. All these things impact my ability to live as more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. They guide my perspective on my relationship with God, they reveal what my belief system really is. We are unable to live outside what we truly believe. Our actions will ALWAYS reveal what we believe in our hearts. Our minds produce thoughts and we test them against our heart, we test them against the Holy Spirit, and then we take action. What actions are coming up and out of us? What words are overflowing from our mouths? How is the negation of sin working out in my life? Do we flee immorality? Do we control our tongues? Do we lust after what is not ours? Do pray and believe that God has delivered us? Do we trust Him with more than our salvation? My unwillingness to involve God in all areas of my life hinders my walk with Him! My stubbornness and pride will keep me blinded from seeing all of God’s truth. If I struggle with readiness, faith, scripture, and prayer do I actually have a grasp on the truth and my salvation? Not to say I don’t believe I’m not saved but I have work to do still in relating to God. I need to surrender all areas of my life to Him.
What’s my response?
Dad, I don’t completely trust you. That sucks, but it’s obviously true. You brought my attention to the fact that I am unwilling to allow You to hold me. To be a father to me. The only way I know to work on this is to be different. I have been stopping and praying more in the morning. Throughout the day I have moments when I seek You. Is it ever enough? I need and want to be in Your presence all day every day. But my actions don’t say that. I need my head, heart, and soul to line up with You. I need to be a living sacrifice. To choose Your kingdom over my own. I need to live as the person You created me to be. Not the person that the world has turned me into. I want to be complete in my manhood. I want to be more like Jesus. A man of character, relational, influential, solid work ethic, able to resolve conflict, spiritual, family-oriented, emotionally stable, decision-make, physically healthy, good financial steward, always growing, and never in a hurry. Help me become this man you have called me to be. Amen.