Ephesians 5:10–14 (NASB 95)
10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. 14 For this reason it says,
“Awake, sleeper,
And arise from the dead,
And Christ will shine on you.”
Examine / Explain
Paul tells us to study the LORD. Learn what pleases HIM. As we have been the darkness we are now light and expose the dark things. Exposing and revealing is a thin line. Sin becomes exposed by the light and discretion is used when revealing the sin, lest we sensationalize the sin for someone else. We are sleeping and dead in our sins. We arise and step out of the tomb into the light of Christ.
What’s the application?
Do I study the LORD? Do I know what is pleasing to Him? I read my bible for my journals. I study the words so I see what a daily application could be. I believe I pick up things that teach me how to live and know God’s heart. Yet there are times I catch myself demonstrating unfruitful deeds. Lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life can creep in on us. These sum up what happened to Eve and what Jesus overcame in the desert. Even though we are human like Eve, where we will probably choose ourselves, we also have the same Spirit that Jesus has in overcoming sin. How do we live this out? Honest, open, and transparent conversations with our community. This is exposing the darkness. And our story, our testimony can help the next guy. AND we need to be mindful of how we share the details of our struggles. We have to know what our community can handle. Not every setting can handle the details of us dealing with our addictions. The next guy needs to know what you’re going through but we can romanticize the details and cause someone to stumble. We also need at least one person with whom we can share all the details. Sometimes that means we go to a paid counselor. What is keeping our eyes closed so we can sleep? What is keeping us in the darkness? We must wake up and expose the things of darkness in our lives.
What’s my response?
Dad, I struggle with being a sinner and saint. Some days come easy to be a saint others are easy to be a sinner. Both of those days require me to have a relationship with You. One that I talk to You and remember that You love me and I can trust You. But that is hard for me. I know I am writing you these responses and I’m trying to talk directly to You, but I must change my mind about my daily life. I need to walk as a child of light with an open line to my Father. I can see You as this all-powerful creator of the universe who can do anything He wants. And I know You take care of Your people. But my issue always comes back to feeling abandoned and not trusting You for my needs. I’m sick of it. Break what is in me that refuses to make that connection. Time and time again You have provided for me and my family. I know You can do anything. I have trust issues. How do I trust You? Do you tell us to trust You or just believe in You? What’s the difference between the two? I want to be different, I want to live in the new me. I want to be the light that You have put in me and have less darkness consuming the light. I can’t do it without You. Renew my mind. Draw me closer to You. I must be a living sacrifice. Amen.