Ephesians 6:13–14 (NASB 95)
13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS,
Examine / Explain
When we see a “therefore” what is there for? We must prepare ourselves for the battle because we don’t struggle with flesh and blood but with our minds, culture, spiritual influences, and the evil one. Without the armor of God in place, we will not be able to resist the evil day. If we don’t have God’s truth wrapped around us holding everything in place what lies will we believe? If we don’t have the righteousness of Christ protecting our hearts where have we placed our salvation?
What’s the application?
How often do I think about the fact that there is a spiritual realm fighting all around me? I know it’s there but I consciously don’t think about it very often. Why not? The days are evil. How do I resist the evil days if I’m unaware I am in them? I see the culture of death around me. I see the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life. I know there is a spiritual aspect behind all the actions I see, but again I don’t hold those thoughts at the forefront of my mind. Is that because my prayer life is terrible? Is it my mistrust of God that stunts my relationship with Him and impacts how I see the world? Have I properly put on the belt or girdle of truth? Is that my problem? The truth of God is skewed because of how I’ve understood the truth. We are to gain understanding and knowledge of God. Since sanctification is a lifelong process does the belt of truth hold everything together because it doesn’t matter which angle you look at it, it is true? It surrounds us. It is always there waiting for us to use it. Then the breastplate of righteousness. I have been imparted with the righteousness of Christ. This is his breastplate placed on me. I picture a beautiful piece of armor. Ornate and blemish-free. How do I wear it? Have I put it on correctly? Have I pulled the straps tight so that it is secured on my chest? Have I allowed my unrighteousness to be seen coming out of the armor? Have I allowed the weak of my flesh to cause a weak point in the armor? Or do I walk in confidence of His righteousness covering me? How is my walk? How are the battles on all fronts going? I know the war is won but the battles still rage. Am I in shell shock? Hiding in a foxhole? No, I should be standing firm. Ten toes down. Eyes up acknowledging the next fight. Not that every fight is of the devil. But we do live in a broken world. We are broken from God’s design. Our next fight is more than likely ourselves. Our fights start in our minds. Am I winning those fights? Triumphantly? As a survivor? Anywhere in between?
What’s my response?
Dad, I need to rest in You. I need to trust You. If faith is a belief in You and trusting is a belief in the character of You, is it even possible to have faith but not trust? Can I wrap myself in truth and righteousness but not trust the giver of those articles? Hypocritical don’t You think? But aren’t we all hypocrites? If we aren’t hypocrites then we don’t struggle, if we don’t struggle are we human? Today I must choose. I choose to trust You with everything or nothing. How can I only believe in part of Your character? Do I only believe in part of your truth? Help me trust You. Help me be the man You are calling me to be. Help me win the battles as they come. Amen.