Fear, Anxiety, Insignificance, and Weakness

Isaiah 41:10 (NASB 95)

      10 ‘Do not fear, for I am with you;

      Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.

      I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,

      Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Examine / Explain

Here in Isaiah, God brings reassurance to His people. Telling the people of things to come. And even in the things to come, people will struggle with fear, anxiety, and feeling weak and alone. This is a passage to hold tight to and have faith in who God is. He will demonstrate His might with His people, and He will restore them. Even with this at a specific time with the Jews, God’s character does not change, and we can take comfort in this passage as well.

How do I apply this to my life?

In every cross reference about this passage, I put myself in it. I am not trying to make it all about me, but as I sit and struggle with who I am in Christ, I want to see reminders that He does care for me. I need to be reminded that I, too, am called to be strong and courageous in the face of adversity. I need to know that in my position of being called for a purpose and plan, God is bigger, and His glory will be displayed for all to see. If I am to seek His face and live a life worthy of being called a follower of Christ, then what can man do to me? Am I going to be prosperous? Only in the things that He gives me. Is life going to be easy? Only His yolk is light. Will I be successful? Only where He takes me. His power is the power that holds me. He has me in the palm of His hand and nothing can take me out of it. Not even myself? Could I renounce my faith and fall out of His hand? Wouldn’t that mean I was never really in His hand? Not that I am about to lose my faith. But to demonstrate His power, He will never let me go. We are a people riddled with fear. Fear of rejection! But as believers in Jesus, we are part of a belief system literally built on rejection. Our salvation was rejected and hung on a cross, and without that rejection where would we be? How would our sins be paid for? Anxiety controls the day and age. How can I be light to the people around me? I can walk boldly in my belief and faith. I can live a life that does not fear because I am in Christ. I find my strength in my God because I am fully 100% reliant on Him. He is my ever-present help. Even in the storm where I feel like I am going to drown or in the flames that are about to burn me. He is still God! Salvation and redemption do not always mean rescue from the current situation. We can be saved and redeemed, but we still have to deal with the consequences of our actions. And, He is still God! He is righteous and just. He is lovingkindness and truth. How do I choose to look at Him?

What is my response?

Father, You are my God. I deal with fear, anxiety, insignificance, and weakness. You are made strong in my weakness, for I must rely on You. In my insignificance, You are magnified, for You are made great. In my fear and anxiety, I feel a lack of faith. Do I believe You? Do I not believe You? I want to draw close to You. I do believe. You have instilled in me a desire to help others. You have given me dreams to dream and the only way those dreams turn into reality is by believing You are who You say You are. So my faith and trust must be in the God of the universe. My faith and trust must be in the God who knows my name and every thought I have. You know me. You love me. You see me. You know every hurt. You know every deed, and yet in spite of all of it. You wouldn’t change anything. You still want me. Your desire for me never wavered. So, what is the next step in life? My foot is going down, about to touch the ground in a direction. You have gone before me and laid everything out. I pray that I see it. I thank You for it now, even though it’s not done. I believe you. I trust you. Amen.

Your son,