Ephesians 4:28–29 (NASB 95)
28 He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need. 29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
Examine / Explain
The new self speaks truth in love, has control of their anger, and works to give away. He is to give away what he has earned. Be it money or words. He is to no longer steal what is not his and build up those in need at that moment.
What’s the application?
Where am I a thief? What am I stealing and not earning? What am I giving away if anything at all? As men, we can steal a look at women who are not our wives. Women could be stealing emotions from men who are not their husbands. Employees could be stealing time from their jobs by not doing their jobs while on the clock. I could steal someone’s happiness by the words I use. A husband could be stealing intimacy from his wife by what he looks at on a computer. A wife could be stealing significance from her husband by giving other men her encouragement or comparing her husband to another man. Parents could be stealing from their children through the time being spent on a cell phone game. Children could steal the joy of parenting by sheer rebellion. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Where are we being aligned with the enemy in our lives? Where do we need to stop for a minute and examine our actions? Are we seeing our actions through the lens of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit? I’m afraid we are blinded and labor in vain. We think we are working to give it all away, yet we spend it all on ourselves. The time, talent, and treasure we hoard is stealing from God. We don’t use our gifts as we were designed to use them. God has given us gifts and intended us to use them how He wants us to. Not the way we think they should be used. When we manipulate our gifts and talents in ways that should never have been used we steal a message, hope, and opportunity from someone. Neglecting our gifts is just as much an issue as malicious intent, which brings me back to my original question. Where am I a thief? Where am I stealing? What am I stealing? Where have I neglected, misused, or manipulated life outside God’s intentions? I know we live in a broken world. I also know that I have the power of Jesus living inside me. Two things can be true at once. The tension of flesh and spirit waging war inside me. The desire to surrender to the spirit and the “need” to feed my flesh. As believers working out our salvation should surrender more and more to the spirit over our flesh. Not that we always will, but there is grace. Not to abuse grace but it is there. We must strive to leave what is behind and strain forward to the hope in Jesus. To look more like Him today than yesterday.
What is my response?
Dad, I’m a thief. I have stolen from You and those I love. Once a thief always a thief. Right? Once an addict always an addict. I believe these statements are true. I know I am redeemed from these labels. But, I am also not a fool, and remember that I am a prideful and selfish man. And even with the power of Christ residing in me, there are times I will choose my prideful and selfish way over righteousness. The label of thief and addict are reminders that continuous abuse of grace will result in detrimental consequences for my relationships. My labels are reminders to keep myself in check. However, I believe there is a fine line between a label and acting out our label. When we step over the line toward our old self we can start believing those labels are a current fact and we snowball down in a pit of despair. That is why we must renew our minds in Christ. Keep our fruit in check. Honest, open, and vulnerable with our trusted community in Christ. Dad, help live life on the right side of that line. Never let me forget who I was or where I’m going. Amen
One response to “Once a thief…”
Bruh!!!!!!! We are definitely drinking from the same glass. Your thoughts, convictions, feelings and prayers are spot on