Ephesians 5:3–5 (NASB 95)
3 But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; 4 and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
Examine / Explain
Paul continues to give the believer character traits that we should have in Christ. Porneia and pornos are the Greek words used here for immorality. These are sexually immoral in nature, and we get pornography today. Greed and covetous are insatiable “needs” of a man and if he is prostituting himself while he has an unquenchable thirst for the world the words that come out of his mouth will guide others to this end. A co-heir with Christ cannot be found having these traits. The overflow of his heart will speak life and thanksgiving while sacrificing for the Kingdom of God.
What’s the application?
To make my kids cringe I could say that this is a believer who is “out of pocket.” The fall of man is summed up in these three sins. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the boastful pride of life. Jesus redeemed these as He was tempted in the desert with the same sins. Looking at this list that Paul gave us twice in three verses I see these basic sins. Men can see things they can’t have and lust after them, taking them in pride, and fulfilling their “needs” with their flesh. As man is built for community he talks and convinces others to go along with him. To participate in this counterfeit fulfillment. Again we have to examine our hearts. When we look at our community what are our closest confidants doing, for they are mirrors of our actions. If you agree with them, we will likely do the same activities. When we hide what we are doing from those who resemble Christ in our lives, such as spouses, what does that say about what we are hiding? Sin loves secrecy. For a believer who is striving not to live a life that is dependent on sexual immorality but is struggling to be successful, I would have to ask have you found your root cause of why you’re turning to porn as a coping mechanism? This goes for every version of sexual immorality which is any version outside of God’s boundaries. God loved us enough to give us boundaries, and when we cross them it is possible to survive but not in the capacity that God has intended for His creation. And as He is the creator He gets to design the intention and boundaries for us. As we identify our root cause we become more aware of the dance we do up to our sins. And if we live in a Godly community we should have the support to talk ourselves out of sinning. I am not saying we don’t have the power to overcome sin through Jesus. I saying that what we won’t talk about comes up and out through actions. God provides a way out of temptation but we will lie to ourselves to not take the out because we love our sin. It’s enjoyable at the moment. So, sometimes, I believe more often than not we need our community’s support to not act on our impulses.
What’s my response?
Dad, search me and know me. The tension between the sinner and the saint can be enormous. The battle between flesh and spirit is a daily one. However, You gave us the example of dealing with temptation through Jesus. The word is the counter to every temptation. And You gave us the ability to have a common unity with other believers to help us. You have saved me from a life that was nothing but lust and pride. I know I can’t make it in this new life without You. Teach me to lean on You and others when the scale tips from saint to sinner. Remind me to take the escapes You give to avoid temptation. Give me a clean heart. Let my motives be pure, and seek You first in all things. Amen.