Ephesians 4:20–24 (NASB 95)
20 But you did not learn Christ in this way, 21 if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, 22 that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, 23 and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
Examine / Explain
As a believer and follower of Christ, you know Christ. You don’t just know about Him; if you have heard His call, then you are being taught to look like Him. In completing your transformation to look like Him, we will renounce your old way of life. A life that is full of corruption and lust of deceitfulness. We allow the Spirit, the divine force, to renew and make fresh our minds. We are given a new self, which leads to the likeness of Jesus. We are covered and clothed in righteousness, holiness, and truth.
What’s the application?
Do I look in the mirror when I am changing clothes? No. Why would I? I have the new set of clothes on the bed and can see them clearly. I remove the old clothes and place them in a pile. I pick up the new clothes and put them on. Now, I will go look at myself in the mirror. What do I see? A new man? The old man with a new look? At the end of the day, I am going to take off these clothes and put on some more. It’s a never-ending cycle of changing clothes. I may even put on the old clothes I took off because they are evening clothes to lounge around the house. Flip to the spiritual aspect. Was I looking when I took off the old self? Can I only see the fruit in the reflection of other people and what my new self looks like? What do I look like when I choose to put on the old self? Selfishness, pride, lust, deceit. Do I get that reflection from people? I know we are supposed to take our new self, which is clothed in righteousness, holiness, and truth, and never take it off. I’m a weak, broken human living in a broken world with other weak, broken humans. I’m going to get it wrong. I don’t even think I can get it “right” more than I get it wrong. We are complex creatures trying to make it with other complex creatures while trying to survive the harshness of an unforgiving environment. As I am living in this environment and completing this transformation into a complete Christ follower, am I allowing the Spirit to renew my mind? Again, I go back to what fruit I am producing. What would others say I am doing? The reflection of the human mirror says good things about me. My inner man doesn’t believe it. Who doesn’t struggle with believing good things about themselves? We know our thoughts. We know our convictions of failing. Others may not see it. So, is our inner and outer man incongruent? Or is this tension we live in? Good versus evil in our minds. The Spirit and flesh are at war within us: righteousness versus unrighteousness. What does our life look like living in the tension? Not perfect. We must strive to live in our new selves constantly. We have to wage war with our thoughts and actions on a daily basis. The good news is we are not alone. We have the power of Jesus to overcome. We must yoke up to Him, follow Him completely, and know that when we fail. He is still right there waiting for us to come back. His power is our strength and empowerment.
What’s my response?
Dad, I know I fail You. But You never forsake me or abandon me. I have to live in this truth. I must replace the lie that You have neglected me. I need the Spirit to renew my mind in this truth. I have to get from knowing that You are there to believing You are there. If I believe You are a far-off manly figure that doesn’t care about me, I could convince myself to do wild and terrible things. I am reassured by the support of my intimate, spiritual, supportive community. They reflect You and are my reflection back at me so I see when I am not living the way You call me to live. I need this community to expose the dark areas of my life. I need this community to help me dig into what makes me tick in the moment. I need men to comfort, encourage, and rebuke. Relational equity is required! I want to live every day in my new self. It’s exhausting to look in the mirror and find that I have put on old things. I take them off and find that I put them back on again later. I sound like a crazy person. How am I choosing to live as a citizen in Your kingdom? Show where I need to change my perspective on living and seeing things from Your eyes. Amen.