Ephesians 1:1–2 (NASB 95)
The Blessings of Redemption
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,
To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Examine / Explain
Paul starts this letter by stating who is sending it to Ephesus. He is sure to let them know by what authority he is writing to them. Then he makes out that the letter is for the saints at Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus. If the believer falls into this category, then grace and peace from God will be upon you.
How do I apply this to my life?
Who are the saints at Ephesus? The church at Ephesus. Converts that believed from Paul’s previous mission trips? Who are the faithful in Christ Jesus at Ephesus? Who are the faithful in my local body of believers? What does it mean to be marked as faithful in Christ Jesus? Getting it right all the time? Saying prayers three times a day? Saying the “right” prayers? Never sinning again? I don’t believe any of these make you faithful to Jesus. Not even showing up every Sunday to a building to worship God makes you faithful to Jesus. That says you’re faithful to show up to a building. Doing journals and even doing a podcast in the name of Jesus makes you faithful to Jesus. Having a relationship and following Jesus makes you faithful to Jesus. You believe He is who He says He is. The Son of God that stepped into flesh and lived among people. He came to die a gruesome death that we all deserved. He was raised from the dead three days later. Having conquered death and sin and being the wrath that we are due, He sits at the right of God, interceding for us. Why? Because we are wretched, prideful, and unforgiving people who continue to serve ourselves even at our best service to God. We are dead in our transgression and need to be rescued. We are on a path of eternal separation from God if we don’t believe in Jesus. But those who do and are faithful to serve Him find eternal salvation. We go from being dead in our sins to being dead to ourselves. We are to be willing to sacrifice on the altar for the sake of the Cross. We are to choose the death of ourselves daily and forsake our pride. We are to abandon our ambitions to seek after what He calls to. A life with purpose! A calling and commission to do more than to be faithful to a building. To be more than just a member of a group. We are called to die and serve out of the abundance of joy found in us because of His death and resurrection. So where am I? Am I dying daily? Have I laid my animalistic nature on the altar for sacrifice? Do I put all others above my desires? Where am I being selfish? Where have I lifted myself up and put others down? Where is my sin keeping me from having a relationship with Jesus? I want grace and peace. I need grace and peace. Do I demonstrate grace and peace to others? I’m usually slow to speak and slow to anger. But we are the first to lie to ourselves. So, am I allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me? Do I listen? Do I obey? What actions are pouring out of me because of my love for my savior? Or do I still begrudgingly attempt to earn my sonship with God because I feel unworthy?
What is my response?
Father. I see You as my heavenly Father. You see me as an earthly son. You see me as if I were Your son, Jesus. In believing in Him, I have been imparted righteousness. This mere human from nowhere can confidently call on his Father at any moment. But I don’t do I. I struggle talking with You. I see you as far off. Help me change my perspective. Help me continue to understand my place. Continue to show me how loved I really am. Challenge me to step out in faith and believe in You! Amen.