Ephesians 6:15–16 (CJB)
15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom. 16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One.
Examine / Explain
As believers, we are always ready to share the Good News of Jesus. We should be on the lookout, alert, and anticipating opportunities to bring the Gospel of peace to a world full of chaos. We must be on guard and trust the Lord. The flaming arrows of the Evil One will land on us and we will stumble. Fiery darts are ideas that lead to doubt, self-reliance, and immorality, and bring us further away from God.
What’s the application?
How does my day start? Is it with feet of readiness to share the Gospel? Or do I wake in the despair of the day ahead? Do I wake up with a song in my heart? A worship song as soon as I sit up? On occasion I do. But where do my thoughts go from there? To a phone? What do I have to get done today at work? What is the checklist for the day? Which checklists aren’t inherently bad, but do we leave margins for the unexpected? Are we in such a rush that we miss the opportunities to share shalom? Our minds are already focused on the end of the day. We haven’t even walked out of our houses and want that coping mechanism that is coming at the end of the day. We are so worried about us! Meanwhile, we don’t exercise our faith and lower our shield of trust in the Lord. Fiery darts hit us and we start to doubt God’s goodness. We fade away from trusting God with everything to trusting that only I can meet my needs. And if only I can meet my needs that takes us back down a path of separation from God. Not that we lose our salvation but we are walking on our own. We can still walk. We are free to get around this life but we are bearing the burden and weight of life and sins. More and more arrows will land on us until we hit rock bottom. We can’t allow this. We must surrender to our faith in Christ. We must trust Him. I have been struggling with trust. My life is full of self-reliance. Decades of I was the only one who could take care of me. I’m doing better these days. But it doesn’t mean the desire for self-reliance goes away. I must choose to go in peace every morning. I must choose to carry the shield of trust. I must have faith in God that goes beyond my salvation. Can I be a follower of Jesus if I only believe God can save me? I know God is far bigger than that miracle. But must overcome the idea that in the vastness that is God, He still wants to hold His son. Lift me so I can lift my hands in worship and sit in His presence.
What’s my response?
Dad, I’m a selfish man. My thoughts do not go to You first thing in the morning. I have to make a choice, You or me? Far too often I choose me. I need to change my mind. I need a renewal that gives me the desire to share the Good News. Everyone needs to hear the Gospel of Jesus. How have You created me so that I can do that? Podcasts? Journals? What about just listening to people and offering them something different than the chaos and death of this world? Our salvation is not going to come from a president, our government, or any other elected official. Where is our focus? What is the truth? The truth is I don’t trust You enough. Change that in me. I think Sunday You started working on this in me. You reminded me that I don’t allow you to work in my life. I keep You at arm’s length. Draw me closer. Tear down those walls in my life. Teach me what it means to chase Jesus and strive toward full manhood. Amen.