Ephesians 2:6–7 (NASB 95)
6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Examine / Explain
Having been granted new life from spiritual death, we are not just followers, but intimately connected to our savior. Where He treads on the earth, we tread with Him. If He ascends to the heavenly places, we ascend with Him. In the unfathomable glory of God’s eternal realm, we will bask in His eternal grace—all because He, in His infinite love, paved the way for our return to Him.
How do I apply this to my life?
Am I living my life yoked to my savior? Am I living my life in the miracle of grace and salvation? Am I living in the fear of the Lord? Am I mindful of being seated in heavenly places for eternity? Am I focused on the surpassing riches of His grace that only come as physical blessings, instead of focusing on the One who is providing the riches? How often do I unyoke myself from Jesus because I want to go and do my own thing? He is not coming with me unless it is already a part of His plan. Selfish and pride will allow me to disengage, unhook, and turn me from the way Jesus wants me to go. But, in His perfect grace and mercy, He waits patiently for me to return to His yoke. Why? We so easily wander off and forget where we are going with Him, yet He takes us back every single time. Being yoked to Him and following His lead will always have a better outcome than I could ever try to make for myself. And I wonder how to live life in His yoke. I know we are to abide in Him. We are to follow His calls and purpose for us. He gives us free will, and we can choose anything we want. But what does it look like daily? His yoke is easy, and His burden is light, as I believe He is taking the brunt of the load. And yet we can slip out from being yoked to Him so easily. We are not locked into the yoke; it is something we choose. But in our selfishness and greed, we take it off, set it down, and pick up heavy things that get us nowhere and expect whatever we pick up to save us. We are so broken. We are so rebellious. We are so foolish.
What is my response?
Father, I need to choose to yoke up to Jesus daily. Today is enough. I need not worry about tomorrow. I need to take the steps of faith and trust today. If I take the steps I need for the day, tomorrow has a path and trajectory already set. It’s set on You! Will it be rainbows and unicorns every day? Absolutely not! Not if, but when we have trouble, we are to rely on You, not ourselves. I am too self-reliant! I’m not the only person who can care for my “needs.” What are my needs? Food, air, clothes, relationships, sex, sweets, finances, or is my need to stay yoked up to my savior who will provide everything I will ever really need? Distractions! All of it! Worrying about anything is taking my focus off my savior and doing my part in the kingdom. Father, I need help to stay focused on You and the prize. I want to be eternally minded every day. I want to be yoked every single day. Help me do it. Amen.