Ephesians 6:10–12 (NASB 95)
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Examine / Explain
There appears to be a progression within Ephesians. We have redemption available to us. In that redemption, we are made alive in Christ. In this Christ-filled life, we will have hardships. But remember the Holy Spirit unifies us into one family to help each other with the gifts he gives us. Our lives are to be action, living out our faith and not just sitting around. We imitate God because He is our head and we are His bride. We are to relate to one another, and that trickles down to children from fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives. With all those titles one thing remains the same. We are to be bond-servants of Christ. We do that by being aware of the accuser’s methods. Keeping the first things first, and understanding our position and power in Christ through the Holy Spirit.
What’s the application?
Rulers or principalities could be interrupted as the first things. What do we put first in our lives? It could be sex, food, acceptance, technology, or anything that we seek before Christ. It’s the battle that first starts in our minds. Power or authorities could be interrupted as outside forces imposed on us or by us. Bondage. What bondage in our lives has complete control over us? What physicality is imposing its will over our lives instead of God’s will for our lives? World forces of this darkness or cosmic powers could our culture and the influence Satan has over it coming down on us. Where are we becoming numb to the cultural difference of a Christ-follower and the darkness and death of this world? What things to gloss over and not see because it has been dropped on us so repeatedly that we can’t hear the bombs going off anymore? Finally the spiritual forces of evil. Satan is not omnipresent nor omnipotent. He must work within the boundaries allowed to Him. Therefore he is subject to the governing authority of everything. It’s just that evil is also unified in its purpose. Steal, kill, and destroy anything of God. Evil has been around for a long time and humans are predictable creatures living in a broken world. We get the first things wrong, which leads us into bondage, allowing the culture to dictate our actions, and the spiritual forces of evil to have their way with us. How do we keep the first things first? How do we break the bonds that hold us captive? How do we live in the world and not of it? How do we fight off the evil one?
What’s my response?
Dad, sometimes I feel like a failure. You have given us victory through Jesus on the cross. And yet, I can lose the battle of my mind. I can still feel like external forces have control over parts of my life. I can fall victim to wanting to feel accepted by men instead of You. I can lose battles with Satan because I haven’t fully grasped my place in You. I can get distracted. I could be doing good and a thought is allowed to grow through me off track. I repent and a get back on the track. But if I fail again did I really repent. Am I living in the full knowledge of grace, forgiveness, and salvation of Christ? I know I am saved. Yet the old self can creep up and I can allow it rule my thoughts and actions. Kill my flesh. Kill my pride. I must live as a sacrifice. I must choose You over everything. Help me do that. Help me understand the power living in me. Help me look more like Jesus. Amen.